Thursday, 22 May 2014

Personal struggle inspires PND story

Happy Pants shows post-natal depression
affects the entire family, and it's no-one's fault.

Happy Pants

Writer: Heather Gallagher

Illustrator: Liz McGrath

Publisher: Wombat Books

A personal battle with post-natal, or perinatal, depression drove Heather Gallagher to write Happy Pants out of a desire to help families understand the illness together.

“During my own battle with PND, one of my greatest concerns was the possible impact I was having on my children,” Heather said. “It’s no-one’s fault.”

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

I'm still here...

I admit it – I have been a slack blogger.

A slogger? Or a slagger? Okay – not a slagger.

At my writers' group meeting last night the topic of updating blogs came up – and it reminded me I’ve been just slightly remiss. The fact that one of my unofficial writing goals for this year was to update my blog weekly and I haven’t done it for – 10 weeks! How did that happen?! – was the cause of much amusement.

Eurovision weekend had nothing to do with it, I swear.