Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Brainwave is caffeine-fuelled

I have a problem. I’m addicted to caffeine.

Coffee - I can't think without it. Photo: Alex Fairhill
Coffee - I can't think without it. Photo: Alex Fairhill.
My family has a running gag – if I do something forgetful or silly, it’s because my coffee hasn’t kicked in. I realised today how true that was. 
I’m not an addict in the sense that I must have six cups a day or I’ll turn into a monster – in fact, if I have too much I get jittery. I’ve had one energy drink in my life, while working a double shift; and I couldn’t concentrate, didn’t sleep that night, and vowed never again to touch the stuff.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Group works

A writers’ group or professional organisation can help develop confidence

Food, drink and sleep are no longer required. You're alone but not lonely, as you live in the world you create.

Writing can be an isolating endeavour. It’s rarely collaborative – at least in the early stages, when you’re drawing out ideas into coherent stories. Time dissolves as you struggle over phrases, finding the right words. Characters sometimes behave, sometimes they don’t; and manuscripts can be put to one side, at least for a while, until you figure out what to do with that collection of letters on the page. But when you’re in the midst of it – when the story flows, the characters work and the setting is engaging to create – you can disappear into the pages. Nothing outside the room matters, time is irrelevant. Food, drink and sleep are no longer required. You’re alone but not lonely, as you live in the world you create.