Tuesday, 28 February 2017

#LoveOzYA book challenge

A month of great Australian YA reads

This month I've taken part in a fantastic online challenge run by Michael Earp - AKA @littleelfman on Twitter and Instagram. Michael runs these challenges occasionally, involving posting a book in a specific category that matches a set theme each day of a month, and this time that category was Australian young adult books. 

Michael also took over as chairman of the #LoveOzYA committee this month, and will be a fantastic successor to Danielle Binks, who's done an amazing job as one of the driving forces behind the campaign to encourage Australians to read local books.

Monday, 13 February 2017

HARDCOPY is back

Non-fiction writers: this one’s for you

the logo and text for the 2017 HARDCOPY program
*Applications for the 2017 HARDCOPY program are now closed. Good luck to all the applicants, and I look forward to meeting you all online!

Not too many things have me out of my chair doing an actual happy dance, but the news that the Australia Council funded the ACT Writers Centre’s HARDCOPY program for another year did just that. 

I was lucky enough to be selected as one of thirty emerging writers from across Australia to take part in HARDCOPY in 2016, which focussed on fiction. The program alternates between fiction and non-fiction year to year, and was the most valuable experience I’ve had so far as a writer.